
クラウドとあらし: ニコラス・G・カー、クラウド・コンピューティングを語る

Clouds and Storms: Nicholas G Carr on cloud computing - CIO UK Magazine (04 August 2008 Peter Kirwan) <1 2 3 4 5 6 Working for a frozen water company must have seemed like a sensible career move in New England during the 1850s. During the…


港区は晴れ。暑いけれど、多少からっとしている。 木曜日。 「ガーディアン」のジャック・ショフィールド記者の記事から。 When Google owns you.... your data is in the cloud | Technology | guardian.co.uk (August 6, 2008 12:39 PM Jack Schofield) OK…


Should Microsoft become more Apple-like? | A Developer’s View | ZDNet.com (August 4th, 2008 Posted by John Carroll @ 9:16 am) About a week and a half ago, Mary Jo Foley wrote a piece where she argued that Microsoft was planning to get more…


今日は非常に興味深い記事につづけて出会った。CIOのピーター・カーワン記者。 Clouds and Storms: Nicholas G Carr on cloud computing - CIO UK Magazine (04 August 2008 Peter Kirwan) クラウド・コンピューティングを論じるニコラス・カーの戦略とは、…


港区は曇天。 火曜日。 ZDNetのジョン・キャロル氏の興味深い記事。 Should Microsoft become more Apple-like? | A Developer’s View | ZDNet.com (August 4th, 2008 Posted by John Carroll @ 9:16 am) An Apple-inspired Microsoft would make a Zune eve…

Web as a working environment

Hi, everyone. My name is Akihiko Komada. Please let me introduce myself... 29 years ago, Chigasaki, lay buring in the sun, one day. That was the situation I happened to be born. My mother told me it was a bright sunny morning. It was a hot…


港区は曇天。 月曜日。 サン・フランシスコ・クロニクルの記事。 Slowpoke, no-gas electric car - check it out (Sunday, August 3, 2008 Michael Taylor) There, in a supreme case of automotive irony, a year-old outfit called Green Motors is sellin…


港区は晴れ。朝から気温が高くなっている。 日曜日。 ヤフーからクレイグズリストに行ったジェレミイ・ザウドニイ氏のブログが興味深い。 Two weeks into my new job at craigslist... (by Jeremy Zawodny) (August 02, 2008 09:08 AM Posted by jzawodn) In…


Fast Forward columnist bids a fond farewell - Aug. 1, 2008 (August 1, 2008: 11:19 AM EDT By David Kirkpatrick) NEW YORK (Fortune) -- This is my farewell column. Fast Forward has been a weekly labor of love, mostly, since early 2002. Now I'…


港区は曇天。 土曜日。 「テックダート」の興味深い記事。 Techdirt: Google Wants To Launch MP3 Search In China (Fri, Aug 1st 2008 5:26pm by Mike Masnick) However, it appears that Google has seen enough of getting beaten handily in the Chinese…


秀逸なクラウド・コンピューティング論。 It’s 2018: Who Owns the Cloud? - GigaOM (Thursday, July 31, 2008 at 5:00 PM PT Allan Leinwand) What will become increasingly critical is providing cloud consumers with a spectacular user experience, s…


Facebook To Use Intel-Powered Servers -- Data Centers -- InformationWeek (2008/7/31, 04:36 HCE Antone Gonsalves) Facebook on Thursday said it would use Intel (NSDQ: INTC)-powered computer servers in expanding the social network's data cent…


港区は曇天。 金曜日。 「ITワールド」の興味深い記事。 Microsoft sees uptick in use of 64-bit Vista | ITworld (July 31, 2008, 05:12 PM by Elizabeth Montalbano) "Put more simply, usage of 64-bit Windows Vista is growing much more rapidly than…