
Is LinkedIn worth $1bn? Yes. Why? Because Bain Capital says it is. The stock is not public, so you and I cannot trade it. The whole notion of the average punter trading tech stocks (or the average punter's pension fund trading it on your behalf) seems rather quaint, from some bygone era. But why has the public market for tech stocks disappeared? Where has it disappeared to? Will it ever return? The LinkedIn financing offers some clues to these questions.

リンクトインは10億ドルの価値があるか? はい。なぜか? それはベイン・キャピタルがそうだと言っているからだ。株式は公開されていない、だからあなたとわたしはそれを取引できない。テクノロジ株の取引をやっている平均的な勝負師(あるいはあなたの利益のために取引している勝負師の長期ファンド)からすればだいたいこれは風変わりに見えるようだ。昔はそうでもなかったのだから。それにしてもテクノロジ株の公開市場はなぜがっかりしたのか? どっきりしたのはどういうわけか? なにか見込みがあったのか? リンクトイン資金調達はこういった質問への手がかりとなる。

LinkedIn has a dominant market position, their revenues are growing like a weed, they are profitable and they have growth ambitions that require lots of capital. For the last hundred years or so that has meant a company is ready for an IPO. LinkedIn management did say something about private financing being better, due to the "distractions" of quarterly reporting. I have seldom known people refuse the IPO "golden ticket" because of "distractions". What we are really witnessing is a strange reversal of normal market rules.


The rules used to be:


1. The real stars went for IPO, where you got the highest valuation. Management also got to keep some independence and could use their public currency to make acquisitions. Everything else was second best.


2. Next best was to get bought by a public company with a mix of cash and stock, the idea being that the public company's stock would do well and you would get wealthy from that. If the public company acquiring you had an inflated "bubble" currency, the trick was how to get quickly to cash - ask Mark Cuban how to do that.


3. Next best was to get an all cash deal from a private company. As these companies usually don't have too much cash and hoard it carefully, these deals are smaller. But if you showed some strategic value you could do well.


4. If you grew slowly and made some profits you fell into a category that VCs call "the living dead". Not dead, as the business is profitably self-sustaining. But not hot enough for deals 1,2 or 3. This was where a very unfashionable firm called a Private Equity (PE) Fund stepped in. They had lots of spreadsheets showing net present value, all of which are designed to show you that your business is worth an awful lot less than you thought.


These rules determined valuation. IPO got you the highest multiple. If you have real profit growth you could get a PE multiple of 60 to 100. If your profits were growing at 60% that PE of 60 would be a PEG of 1.0 and that is viewed as a bargain. In the Private Equity world, an EBITDA multiple of 6 is bargain time and 10 is considered "frothy". EBITDA is not quite the same as PE, but it is good enough to show that these worlds (public and private) used to have 10x factor difference in valuation.


Clearly these rules no longer apply. Bain Capital is a Private Equity Fund, a rather special example of the breed and sharing some characteristics with VC Funds, but still a Private Equity Fund. And they appear to have given LinkedIn a multiple that is in the 60 to 100 range. (My calculation is based on LinkedIn statements that revenue in 2008 will be in the range $80m to $100m and an assumption that profits are in the 10% range i.e. $8m to $10m.) In other words, a Private Equity Fund is giving a public market valuation.


In which case, LinkedIn management got a good deal. They got the valuation premium normally associated with a public market without any of the hassles and uncertainties of a public market. Given the big tasks ahead for management (more on that later) that seems like a smart move.

(part 1 of 2)